NDT Inspection at the Surface
By Engaged Expert
Andrew FurgasonSince late 2022, Andrew Furgason一直是Element Houston的无损评估(NDE)部门经理. He has been involved with NDE for the last 15 years. During this time, 安德鲁曾在包括石油和天然气在内的各种im体育平台app下载工作, new construction, and aerospace.
Due to its wide-reaching nature, 从开车到坐飞机再到坐过山车,每个人都有可能接触过一些经过无损检测(NDT)检查的东西. 你甚至可能在互联网上偶然发现过它,或者看到过照片/视频,或者读过一篇关于无损检测及其应用的文章. 但通常在推广或讨论无损检测时,他们谈论的是令人兴奋的方法. 他们展示的照片令人兴奋,似乎处于科技的边缘.
但你通常不会看到或听到的是比其他方法更常用的方法. That is likely because they are not flashy. They are not fun. They are not even clean, but they are necessary.
本文将重点介绍磁粉检测和液体渗透检测. 这两种方法是寻找表面缺陷的第一道防线,这些缺陷最有可能在压力下生长,导致潜在的灾难性故障. However, as important as these methods are, 它们通常被忽视,因为它们的应用简单,而且被认为不重要.
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT, MPI)
If you do any research on the internet around NDT, you will find a description of MT using buzz words like, “Magnetic particle inspection is a nondestructive testing process”, surface and subsurface inspection,” “ferromagnetic materials,” “fast,” “simple application.
这些说法无法解释的是,MT是一种令人难以置信的强大工具,它涉及到使用操纵电来创造一个磁场,可以由操作员控制方向和强度. 这包括仔细的测量,并正确地对沿其表面流动的部件施加磁场,“寻找”其路径上的缺陷. 这些缺陷产生二次磁场,吸引介质到缺陷的边缘,形成操作员可以看到和测量的轮廓.
MT可以在各种环境中进行,从最严格控制的实验室到最恶劣的现场条件. 在实验室里,有大型的、功能强大的固定设备,长度超过10英尺,可以检查直径几英尺的零件,一直到最便携的设备,检查那些太大、不切实际的零件,不能在实验室里进行,这样就可以在客户的现场进行近实验室的质量检查.
Quality is always a top priority. However, MT is an excellent tool for fast-paced inspections, 这意味着技术人员运用他们的知识来创建一个有效的应用程序来快速检查零件,并保证零件符合最终使用的标准.
“In some cases, it may be beneficial to employ both methods in tandem, 因为它们可以相互补充,并提供更全面的组件完整性评估.”
Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPI, FPI, PT)
PT, 很像MT有一个样板解释,其中包括“低成本检查”等流行语, surface-breaking defects, non-porous materials,” but these statements barely scratch the surface.
PT是最灵敏的方法之一,用于定位极小的表面不连续性,否则技术人员的肉眼会注意到这些不连续性,在某些情况下甚至是其他表面无损检测方法. LPI can inspect large volumes of small parts like nuts, bolts, 齿轮到最大的零件,如复杂的铸件,必须用多吨的起重机移动. 这是由于它能够应用于许多方面,它可以被认为是我们拥有的最可变的方法之一. LPI包括5个灵敏度等级、3种类型、4种方法、6种形式. That is nearly 360 variations this application can be used for.
Each level of sensitivity, type, method of removal, and developer forms are designed to reach a desired result. 规范和标准将规定进行考试的要求, 但是,正确的应用(在某些情况下,在任何给定阶段的几秒钟的变化)可能是技术人员是否能够发现材料中的不连续的区别. This is not because the technician failed in interpretation, but rather the process failed in allowing the indications to be viewed.
LPI的过程可以非常简单,只需使用几个喷雾罐和一块抹布,也可以像一系列精心控制化学品的大桶一样复杂,这些化学品必须放置在经过校准的仪表和计时器精确测量的时间内. 这两种应用都需要技术人员的高度关注,以确保满足所有要求, and procedures are followed to the letter. 这是为了确保技术人员有最好的机会看到该方法将在正确的照明条件下显示的微小缺陷.
How do you decide what method is best for you?
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Question: Did the specification require MT or PT?
Answer: Yes - Use that one. Did not specify which - Move to the next question. No - No need for the inspection.
Question: What is the part made of?
Answer: Meta - Either will potentially work. Non-metal/solids - LPI only.
Question: Can it be magnetized? If you are not sure, will a magnet stick to it?
Answer: Yes - It is eligible for MPI. No - It is not eligible for MPI so LPI must be used.
Question: Is the surface smooth or rough and porous?
Answer: Smooth - Either will work. Rough - MPI is advisable if not necessary.
How can Element help?
At Element, 我们提供多种表面检测方法,包括磁粉和液体渗透检测服务. 我们的设施能力包括由众多中小企业支持的各种无损检测方法认证的多名技术人员,以快速解决问题和技术援助. 我们的设备包括MPI设备,如一个14英尺长的固定工作台,用于高产量或特别大的零件,以及两条用于可见和荧光方法的LPI线. Additionally, 我们为客户的设施提供各种各样的服务,使我们的技术人员能够利用他们的专业知识,提供准确可靠的结果, helping you make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
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